Thursday, January 14, 2016

Peel off that Mask!

For my project, I chose to portray a version of reality that may or may not exist, solely based on one interaction that I had with a two clients, mom and daughter, at the makeup store where I work. 

Baudrillard's breakdown of the successive phases of an image are what I'm basing my work off of.

"This would be the successive phases of the image:
- it is the reflection of a basic reality
- it masks and perverts a basic reality
- it masks the absence of a basic reality
- it bears no relation to any reality whatever: it is its own pure simulacrum" (pg. 11, Baudrillard)

My short Snapchat style video will be a "day in the life of" style VLOG that was/is popular in the YouTube blogger community.  I'm creating a fictitious version of how what this girl's day was like on the day my interaction with her took place.  

I have no idea who this girl is.  I have no idea what her day to day life is like.  I don't know if she's a makeup expert or novice.  This method of storytelling is in no way academic or "professional."  This Snapchat story will most likely bear absolutely no relation to her reality in the slightest, besides the little nugget of truth that I experienced first-hand.  

I'm simply unmasking a little bit of the mask that I put on people everyday, even if it's not plausible.

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play nice :)