My goal with our final project was to collect various YouTube beauty videos from all over the world and string them together to form a new makeup tutorial in hopes of shedding light on the global beauty village that we are all a part of as a reference to the idea of the global village in Marshall McLuhan's "The Medium is the Massage."
Although I sat through about 12 hours of YouTube makeup tutorials in over 20 languages (Google translate was my best friend), this project was a refreshing reminder that there exists a world of beauty outside of the United States. It was so interesting to see all of the different nuances that certain countries play up with regards to makeup application.
For example, in South Korea they really value a light application of makeup. Anything beyond that resulting in a "cakey" or heavily made up face is regarded as undesirable and unnatural looking. South Koreans would not fare well in India where they apply layer after layer of makeup and really spackle it on.
What's most interesting and refreshing to me is that there are so many different definitions of what beauty is depending on your place of origin, where you reside now, your parent's definition of beauty, etc., and how they're all 100% valid. Who am I to say that your faintly filled in brow is not as beautiful as someone else's heavily drawn on brow?
If you'd like to browse through all of the videos I looked at for the project, you can view the playlist right here. You can view my final video on YouTube by clicking this link.
Thank you for a wonderful class, everyone!!
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play nice :)